Chicken with Mushrooms and Sour Cream

This is a very simple recipe that you can cook during the week as a warm meal, especially if you prepare a couple of things in advance.

  • 2 cups of chicken – cut in cubes (raw or pre-boiled)
  • 4 cups mushrooms (fresh, frozen or canned)
  • 2 cups cream
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (or any other cooking oil)


  • salt
  • pepper
Can be served with a side of rice
Quick Guide:
  1. Heat the pan with the olive oil then sear the meat in the pan until cooked
  2. Add in mushrooms and sear those as well for 5 min together.
  3. Add in seasoning.
  4. Add in the cream, mix well, bring to simmer then you can stop the fire.

Detailed Guide
1.  Prepare the meat might have noticed I mentioned meat should be cut in cubes, and that you can add either raw (and if possible very tender) meat or pre-boiled. If you want to cut your cooking time on a long run, I do recommend that when you get more chicken to pre-boil and then freeze it in portion sizes. This will make a lot of recipes much faster.

2.  Brown the meat
Heat a pan with the 2 tbsp of olive oil and then sear the meat in the pan, until cooked and a bit browned. Again, if the meat was pre-boiled this step will take just a couple of minutes.
3. Add the mushrooms
After the meat is done, add in the mushrooms. As you can see in the ingredients list, these can be fresh, frozen or canned. If fresh, it is recommended to “cook” them for 1 min in the microwave or in a separate pan with 1-2 tbsp of water. This will cause the mushrooms to close of and not absorb too much oil.

Must admit I have not tested this recipe with dehydrated and re-hydrated mushrooms but will give it a go in the near future and update here. Note that this type will tend to have a more intense flavor profile.

After mushrooms are seared (a couple of min), add in the spices and mix well.

4. Finish with cream
Now all that remains is to add in the cream and mix well. Bring the pot to a simmer, and after that you can turn off the heat.

5. Serving
Since this is a saucy meal, I usually serve it with plain rice or toast. It’s delicious. Please serve warm.

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