
This site is designed as an inspiration for others to try new things and discover the world.

Meet the team

My name is Ioana, I live in Bucharest, Romania, and I’m passionate about … many things … but lately I’ve tried to focus more on developing my life through simple steps, like a new recipe to cook, a new book to read/listen to, a new personal project to work on, a new story to tell.
And my partner-in-crime is my adorable Cookie, our family rescue kitten and a trustee partner in the kitchen.


Cooking Story

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance, and my relationship with food had to change.

I love food, and did not want to let this little thing stop me from enjoying a good meal, therefore I’ve learned how to adapt recipes, experiment with different cuisines, spices and ingredients, and learn more about this fascinating world of cooking.

I want to share this journey as an inspiration for others.

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